Monday, November 22, 2010

Where the magic happens

Hehehe, I just couldn't help referencing that cheesy line that is sputtered out of the mouths of people whose homes are featured on MTV Cribs. Anyways, here's a shot of our Master Bedroom :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear PO,

I love you more than a fat kid loves chocolate.



Saturday night Jake and I helped Jordyn carve her pumpkin on the back patio

Sunday, Paul's parents and my parents came over for Halloween and to watch the world series! It was so convenient that the official colors for Halloween and the SF Giants are both orange and black!

Jordyn was a cowgirl! Check out our spooky decorations in the background!

Jordyn and I made a spiderweb cheesecake for everyone. I think it turned out cuter than it actually tasted, but it was fun none the less to bake with Jordyn!

Mark & Casandra and the little boys came over to go trick or treating. Here's a shot of the cowgirl with the ghost! 

And here's the baby pumpkin!

Here's PO and I dressed in our orange and black! Go Giants!!!

Jordyn the Soccer Star

Here's a few shots from Jordyn's soccer game a few weeks ago.