Monday, December 27, 2010

Wedding Inspirations

Have I mentioned Paul and I set a date?! Well, sort of! We are tentatively planning on getting married on September 17th, 2011 in Aptos! Here's an inspiration board I threw together to help visulaize the style for the wedding;

Style File: elegant casual with a bit of a bohemian surf vibe 
Color Scheme: loads of white and cream with hints of magenta, turquoise, and yellow
Elements: orchids, succulents, capiz shells, mason jars, sand, burlap, and hemp

Stay tuned for more wedding plans, projects, and info!
WOW, where does the time go?! It seems like yesterday Paul and I started this blog to document our adventures together (back in April, I believe.) Here we are at the end of December, the end of the year and I honestly don't know where the time has gone! Thanksgiving flew by, then now here we are, two days after Christmas and making plans for New Years. I haven't been taking as many pictures lately as I usually do, which is probably the reason for the lacks of posts. . . Here's a picture of the kids on Christmas day at Paul's parent's house.

It's the best picture we've gotten of the three kids, all year! I think I'll have to frame it :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's official. . .

PO has a herf shack!

Since sitting on the front patio or in the backyard this time of year is just plain silly (it's been super cold out lately - I guess it is December after all!) PO hangs out in the garage when he wants to enjoy a cigar and some peace and quiet. Good thing there isn't a 'No Girls Allowed' sign on the door, cause I like to join him sometimes!


Saturday PO and I took a drive to Santa Cruz to go check out a few places to potentially have our wedding. It was fun to get away for the day, see the ocean and hang out in our favorite town!

I had never been to Natural Bridges so we stopped there to check it out. Although it was cold and a little wet out, nothing compares to being near the ocean!