Saturday, December 3, 2011


Wow, how is it December already?! Where does the time go? I guess it's been a while since I posted on our blog, but that doesn't mean PO and I haven't been keeping up with our adventures! Since April we've been busy taking trips to Santa Cruz, going wine tasting in Lodi (our favorite summertime weekend activity when we don't have the kids with us) as well as doing a lot of hanging out in our outdoor living room that we put together. Oh, and did I mention San Francisco Giants games?! Cause we went to a handful of those this last spring and summer too! We've had a great time these last several months. Here's a few highlights;

Did I mention the kids are getting big?! Like really. . . Jake's taller than me and Jordyn is well on her way to passing me up shortly as well! They are 10 and 15 this year and I don't want them to get any older! Time sure does fly. . .

Oh, and we've been making some other improvements around our house and in the front and back yard. Here's some shots of stuff we've been doing at home;

In addition to all the stuff going on the last several months, we also got married! I'll be back later to post more on that :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm playing catchup since I realized I haven't posted much in a while on this blog! Here's a shot of Jake on his 15th birthday (April 15th) that Paul took at the bike jumps the boys hang out at. I love this picture of him!

Happy 10th Birthday Jordyn!

May 4th Jordyn turned 10 and we celebrated a few days early at Paul's parents house!

Jordyn got a purple fishing pole and pink tackle box, some cute new clothes, an ipod and a bunch of other goodies!
PO surprised me Easter weekend with a fun little overnight trip. He wouldn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing (but was nice enough to tell me how to dress and what to pack!) We left Saturday late morning and our first stop was a winery in Lodi, then we headed out on the Delta. We stopped at a couple other wineries, enjoyed some wine, beautiful weather and a good time. We ended up late afternoon at a luxury bed and breakfast in West Sacramento where PO had made arrangements to stay. We went out to dinner at a nice Indian food restaurant that night were we gorged ourselves with amazing food! The next morning the hotel delivered breakfast to our doorstep and PO surprised me again. We got massages at the spa located within the hotel! Here's a peak at a few pictures from our trip.

Thanks PO for the wonderful surprise, you're definitely the sweetest guy ever!!!

5 Months and counting. . .

Five months from today we will be getting married! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Giant's Opening Weekend!!!

Saturday we had the pleasure of attending the San Francisco Giant's game and got to see the Ring Ceremony. It was an honor to be in the presence of not only the 2010 world champs, but all of the other sports legends that were in attendance!

Buster Posey!

Brian Fear the Beard Wilson!

Tim Lincecum!!

Willie Mays!

So many heroic sports legends all on the field at one time. To say that I was star struck would be an understatement!

Sammy Hagar and Joe Satriani sang the National Anthem

All the boys!

Play ball!!!

First Camping Trip of the Year!

We spent last weekend at Lake McSwain with the kids, my family and the Solario's. Despite the overcast weather we had a lot of fun kayaking, fishing and sitting by the fire! Here's a few shots from the weekend;

We're looking forward to a summer filled with camping, kayaking, fishing and sitting by the fire!!!