Saturday, December 3, 2011


Wow, how is it December already?! Where does the time go? I guess it's been a while since I posted on our blog, but that doesn't mean PO and I haven't been keeping up with our adventures! Since April we've been busy taking trips to Santa Cruz, going wine tasting in Lodi (our favorite summertime weekend activity when we don't have the kids with us) as well as doing a lot of hanging out in our outdoor living room that we put together. Oh, and did I mention San Francisco Giants games?! Cause we went to a handful of those this last spring and summer too! We've had a great time these last several months. Here's a few highlights;

Did I mention the kids are getting big?! Like really. . . Jake's taller than me and Jordyn is well on her way to passing me up shortly as well! They are 10 and 15 this year and I don't want them to get any older! Time sure does fly. . .

Oh, and we've been making some other improvements around our house and in the front and back yard. Here's some shots of stuff we've been doing at home;

In addition to all the stuff going on the last several months, we also got married! I'll be back later to post more on that :)