Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Update - Summer is officially here!

Last weekend we headed over to Santa Cruz for the weekend. (Yes, AGAIN! Can you tell we can't get enough of this place?!) We had a wedding to go to for one of PO's long time friends on Saturday, June 5th so we headed west Friday afternoon.

We started off the weekend festivities by having dinner with Shelly (my sister) and her boyfriend John, and his brother James and his girlfriend (not to mention a good friend of John and Shelly's) Robyn. We went to 'I Love Sushi' in downtown Santa Cruz. Between the saki bombs, free drinks and rolls, awesome sushi, not to mention my birthday 'cake', we had a blast!

We woke up Saturday and got ready to take the walk down the beach to the hotel where the wedding was being held. It was a very small, casual affair that included an 11:30 ceremony on the beach followed by a reception on the patio at the Ocean Echo Inn, catered by a local Hawaiian restaurant.The food was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Here's PO in his cool cat hat ;) Man, I love that guy!! 

The ceremony was gorgeous!!! Such a perfect day for a beach wedding!

PO and the bride! 

Me and PO trying to hide in the shade. I got SO sunburned that day!

Sunday was our 'beach day' so we spent the afternoon down on the beach with Shelly before we had to head back to Lodi. 

Another fun weekend!!!

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