Sunday, May 6, 2012

Livin the dream. . .

WOW. . . it's funny how when you have all the time in the world, suddenly you feel like you have less time to do all the things you set out to do. Well, that's the case with PO and I. . . I got laid off from my (crappy day) job in August and PO got laid off from his job the day after we returned from our honeymoon. We've been honeymooners at home, looking for work, enjoying being married and living the dream (*haha.) You would think I would have all the time in the world to keep up with our 'Adventure' blog but of course it has fallen by the way side, just like many projects. I keep telling PO it's a good thing I married him for love and not money ;) But really, these last six months have been AMAZING to be honest. He's my best friend and I get to spend every waking second with him. What could be better?! Time will only tell what's in store for us, and I'm fine with that. For now, I'm soaking in every moment I can, loving all this time I get to spend with my new husband and being the happiest girl in the world ;)

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