Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend Recap!

We spent Saturday at Paul's coworker's home out in Lockeford where we swam, bbq'd , rode dirt bikes, shot guns, played pool and pingpong, and pretty much had a blast!

Here's Jake taking Greg for a ride in the dune buggy, you can see he's holding on for dear life! 

Jeff had a blast on all the dirt bikes!

PO taking one of the bikes for a spin.

Delvin and Jeff teaching Jordyn how to ride a dirt bike!

Jordyn and her new friend Abby going around the track

Jordyn quickly got the hang of it! 

First time in three years that I asked Jake to get in a picture and he hopped in, willingly! I think this might go on the Christmas card this year! :) 

She's such a tomboy! I love it!!!

Here's Justin taking PO and the girls on a ride in the jeep. He's one lucky kid to live out there and have all those toys!!

Here's a blurry shot of PO right before he flipped the quard and got some major road rash!! That's what you get when you ride in shorts and flipflops, honey! :) 

Sunday we stayed home and just kicked back on the sofa, watching TV and movies and had a relaxing day. What a great weekend!!!

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