Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a busy day on Saturday! We woke up at 5:30 to get ready for our garage sale. There were people rolling in about 5:45 already buying stuff! Luckily it went pretty well, we were able to get rid of a lot of stuff, and make a nice little chunk of change. By 10:00 everything was pretty much sold, so we packed it up and called it a day!

It was a gorgeous, overcast morning that reminded us of Santa Cruz weather!

Here's a shot of me trying to communicate with a Spanish speaking only customer! 

Funniest thing that happened all day?! A lady rolls up in a pickup truck around 9:00 and yells out to me "Ya'll got an egg poacher?" I kindly replied "No, sorry" trying to hold back the laughter. Then she proceeds to ask "Well, then, you got a dust buster for sale?" Me again, "No, sorry". As she drives off I can't contain myself any longer and and have to bust up laughing. It was the funniest, most random moment of the whole day!

Later that day we went over to PO's parent's for a BBQ in celebration of his mom's birthday. We had a great time swimming, drinking wine and catching up with his parents, their friends Jenny & Leo as well as PO's brother, David.

Here's a shot of the cake that Jordyn and I made for Diane!

That's my stud muffin, PO! :)

Paul's mom, Diane and Paul hanging out by the pool
Jordyn had a blast swimming and playing with her Grandpa Chuck!

They have a gorgeous backyard, filled to the brim with Japanese maples, rose bushes and more. The landscaping is so beautiful, it makes me wish we had the time and money to put into our backyard!

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