Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

We had a great weekend spending time with the kids, friends and family. Saturday we drove to Rohnert Park and visited PO's long time best friend, Wade and his family.

Here's PO with his buddy Kanoa.

We headed down to the park to try out their new blow up ball toy.

Even PO and Cristy gave it a whirl!

Here's the whole group as we sat and watched the crazy larpers recreate a midevil battle.

There goes Jake running onto their battlefield with the large blow up ball over him. One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time! We were all dying laughing!!!

Sunday we got in the car again, this time headed South to visit my parents and to attend their 4th annual Memorial Day weekend Fishing Derby. 

Mmmmmm, 100 lbs of smoked ribs!

The goofy couple! :)

Jordyn tried so hard to catch a fish but was unfortunately unsuccessful. She sure looks cute trying though! That girl is growing up too fast!

There was also a chili cook off contest, and there were 13 different chili's we had to try and vote on!

Here's Page and Jordyn with the crawdad one of the fisher's caught.

This year there were over 60 people in attendance at the Fishing Derby!

Dad and Shelly announcing the winners of the fishing contest and the best chili!

Monday we stayed home and recuperated from all the traveling we did this weekend! PO fired up the BBQ and we enjoyed an awesome dinner. We had a great weekend!!!

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