Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Recap: Kayaking down the American River!

Yesterday PO and I went up to Sacramento to hang out with our newlywed friends Melyssa and Steven (we just attended there wedding last weekend! Read about it here.) We had a day of kayaking planned and I have to admit, I was a little nervous! PO and I have only taken the kayak out once before so my skills are far from advanced. Luckily the river required less work than I thought. I got to kick back and tan while PO did most of the paddling. The river flows pretty good at some points so there isn't too much effort involved (except for a few white water areas, which we made it though without too much trouble.) The excitement for the day came when we saw some crazy kids who got 'stranded' and had to be 'rescued'. We just sat and laughed at the two idiots and took pictures. All in all, we had a awesome time and can't wait to do it again!!

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