Tuesday, June 1, 2010

San Francisco & Stinson Beach Ride

Last weekend (May 26th) PO and I took a motorcycle ride with a group of friends. We left Lodi around 9:00, stopped at IHOP for breakfast, and where on our way, headed West!

We rode to Sausalito where we checked out some killer views of the Golden Gate Bridge!

Then we headed North up the coast to Stinson Beach. We had an awesome lunch, complete with live music and oysters, and then headed down to the beach to hang out for a while.

On our way back to the Valley we got hit with some rain, and everyone was drenched and anxious to get out of the cold so we stopped again in Rio Vista where we enjoyed a few beers, pool and warmed up before the ride back to Lodi.

When we got back to Lodi, everyone came over and PO BBQ'd some tri-tip and chicken and we planned out a few rides we all want to go on in the near future. I had to laugh and tell PO the next day, that it's funny that he had to quit a motorcycle club so that he could actually go riding on the weekends! All in all it was a fun day with some great people!

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